The Trailsman is a series of western novels written under the house name of Jon Sharpe. The protagonist of the series is Skye Fargo – a single male with a tendency to be a womanizer. He rides a horse he calls “the Ovaro” and carries a .44 Colt. The books in the series have been […]


David Robbins is an American author of western, horror, science fiction, fantasy, young adult, mystery and adventure novels. He is the author of the Wilderness series, Endworld and Blade series, White Apache and Davy Crockett series. David has also written for the Executioner, Mack Bolan, Trailsman, Mountain Majesty, Preacher’s Law, Omega Sub and Hardy Boys […]


James Reasoner is an American author of western and historical fiction novels. He is the husband and regular collaborator of Livia J. Washburn (aka Livia Reasoner). In the past, Reasoner has written for hire under numerous pen names and house names such as Dana Fuller Ross, Hank Mitchum, Justin Ladd, Matthew S. Hart, Terence Duncan, […]