The Traders is a series of family saga/historical fiction novels by Australian novelist Anna Jacobs. The series follows the Deagan family and takes place in Singapore and Western Australia in the 1860s and into the 1870s. It is a continuation of the Blake Sisters (aka Swan River Saga) series, but has an all-new cast of […]


The Chronicles of Tenebrak is a series of fantasy novels by English novelist Shannah Jay (Anna Jacobs). The series follows a mighty struggle against evil on a planet focused on fostering psychic gifts instead of depending on technology.


Anna Jacobs is an English-Australian author of historical, romantic and modern fiction as well as sci-fi/fantasy. She writes under this name, her real name of Sherry-Anne Jacobs and as Shannah Jay. She has won the Australian Romantic Novel of the Year award for her novel Pride of Lancashire in 2006 and has been shortlisted many […]