Acorna is the protagonist in a series of fantasy novels by authors Anne McCaffrey, Margaret Ball and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. Acornia is a Unicorn girl with special powers such as healing, making things grow, purifying water and air, detecting venom, mineral deposits, metal deposits and chemical imbalances and telepathic communication. The series would also spawn […]


The Petaybee series consists of two young adult sci-fi trilogies by novelists Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. The series is focused on a major who goes by the name Yana. Yana is a disabled soldier who is sent to a glacial planet called Petaybee to spy, but it turns out that the planet is […]


The Talents universe is a series of science fiction novels by Irish author Anne McCaffrey. The series is comprised of the Talents sub-series, the Tower and Hive sub-series and the Barque Cat series. The series is about a society created around telepathics and telekinetics who are integral to this interstellar society.


The Dragonriders of Pern universe is a series of science fiction novels by Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey. Pern is a planet that has been settled by colonists from Earth, who have lost the technology of Earth and now live in a world similar to medieval times. But before the Earth’s technology had been lost, […]