The Talents universe is a series of science fiction novels by Irish author Anne McCaffrey. The series is comprised of the Talents sub-series, the Tower and Hive sub-series and the Barque Cat series. The series is about a society created around telepathics and telekinetics who are integral to this interstellar society.

The Talents series began in 1973 with To Ride Pegasus, which is actually a collection of short stories ranging from 1969 to 1973. There would not be a new official book in the series until 1990. The most recent books in the series were published in 2010. Below is a list of Anne McCaffrey’s The Talents books in order of when they were originally published (which is also their chronological order):

Publication Order of The Talent Books

To Ride Pegasus(1973)Description / Buy at
Pegasus in Flight(1990)Description / Buy at
Pegasus in Space(2000)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of The Tower and Hive Books

Publication Order of Tales of the Barque Cats Books

(By: Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)

Note: The Barque Cat series is co-authored by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough.

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One Response to “Order of The Talents Books”

  1. Michael Weaver: 3 years ago

    There has never been or will be another author that will match Anne Mccaffrey!
    She is exemplary in all of her different sagas!
    Thank the Lord for the many days and nights she has kept me in suspense!


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