The Boy Fortune Hunters series is a series of young adult adventure novels by American novelist L. Frank Baum, using the pseudonyms of Capt. Hugh Fitzgerald and later Floyd Akers. Unlike most of Baum’s work, the series is told in first person narrative by the protagonist, 16 year-old Sam Steele. Sam’s father is a sea […]


Aunt Jane’s Nieces is a series of juvenile novels by American author L. Frank Baum, using the pen name Edith Van Dyne. The series was designed to appeal to the same crowd as the novels Little Women and Little Men by Louisa May Alcott. Jane Merrick is a rich woman who doesn’t have much time […]


Oz is a fantasy franchise created by American author L. Frank Baum that spans various mediums, including books, movies, stageplays, video games, comic books and more. The franchise was created with the L. Frank Baum novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which was adapted to the 1939 classic film The Wizard of Oz. In it, […]


L. Frank Baum (1856-1919) was an American author of children’s literature and fantasy novels. He is most famous for creating the Land of Oz, including The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which was made into one of the most-watched classic films of all time, The Wizard of Oz. He would follow that novel up with 13 […]