Order of Lynne Truss Books
Lynne Truss is an English author of literary fiction and non-fiction books. She began as a literary editor until she got sidetracked. Lynne spent six years as a TV critic for The Times (London), and then four years as a sports columnist for the same publication. She won Columnist of the Year for her work for Women’s Journal. Lynne lives in Brighton, England.
Lynne Truss debuted as a novelist in 1994 with the novel With One Lousy Free Packet of Seed. Below is a list of Lynne Truss’ books in order of when they were originally released:
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Publication Order of Constable Twitten Books
A Shot in the Dark | (2018) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Man That Got Away | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Murder by Milk Bottle | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
See the Bunny Run / Psycho by the Sea | (2021) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Inspector Steine Books
Inspector Steine - Series One | (2008) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Casebook Of Inspector Steine | (2009) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Adventures of Inspector Steine | (2010) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Tennyson’s Gift | (1997) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Going Loco | (1999) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
With One Lousy Free Packet of Seed | (2004) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Cat Out of Hell | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Lunar Cats | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Short Story Collections
A Certain Age | (2005) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Natter from the Natural World | (2023) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
Making the Cat Laugh | (1995) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Tennyson and His Circle | (1999) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Glued to the Gogglebox: 50 Years of British Television | (2003) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Eats, Shoots & Leaves | (2003) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Talk to the Hand | (2005) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Girl's Like Spaghetti | (2007) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Twenty-Odd Ducks | (2008) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Get Her Off the Pitch! | (2009) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Anthologies
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Going Loco is a standalone title by Lynne Truss. Belinda Johansson is a woman frantic, overwhelmed by the demands of work and home. Having it all? Belinda doesn’t want any of it. Deep in research for her magnum opus – a definitive account of the doppelganger in classic gothic fiction – she fails to notice the echoes of these ghoulish tales disturbingly close at hand. For not only is the cleaning lady taking over her life, but the identity of her husband, Stefan, is also in question. Is he a harmless geneticist from Sweden, or actually a cunning clone? Why is the cleaning lady’s previous employer having a breakdown, and what on earth has the rat circus got to do with any of this?