Rick Partlow is an American author of military science fiction novels. He writes the Drop Trooper, Earth At War, Wholesale Slaughter, and several other series. Rick grew up in Florida, listening to tales from his WWII vet father as well as reading the works of Robert Heinlein. Needless to say, he fell in love with science fiction at a young age, and started writing novels when he was in high school. He graduated from Florida Southern College with a BA in History, and then served in the Army as an Infantry platoon leader. Once he got out, he finished some books he had been working on, and eventually got them self-published on Amazon.

Rick Partlow made his debut as a novelist in 2011 with the novel Duty, Honor, Planet. Below is a list of Rick Partlow’s books in order of when they were originally published:

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Publication Order of Broken Arrow Mercenary Force Books

Merchants of War (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Prisoners of War (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Spoils of War (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Drop Trooper Books

Publication Order of Birthright Books

Birthright (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Northwest Passage (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Enemy of My Enemy (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Glory Boy (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Note: Glory Boy is a prequel to the series.

Publication Order of Drop Trooper: Pirate Wars Books

(with Ralph Kern)

Publication Order of Drop Trooper: Recon Books

Publication Order of Duty, Honor, Planet Books

Duty, Honor, Planet (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Honor Bound (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Line of Duty (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Earth At War Books

Publication Order of Gates of Eternity Books

Gates of Hell (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Gates of Hope (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Gates of Victory: A Military Sci-Fi Series (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Holy War Books

Publication Order of Mech Force Books

(with Drew Avera)

Publication Order of Psi War Books

Publication Order of Recon Books

A War to the Knife (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
A Wolf in the Fold (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
A Battle for the Gods (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
A Fight to the Death (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Space Hunter War Books

(with Pacey Holden)

Pirate Bounty (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Corporate Bounty (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cultist Bounty (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Smuggler's Bounty (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Double-Cross Bounty (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Terminal Bounty (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Star Bounty Books

Publication Order of Sunkiller Books

Legacy (With: J.N. Chaney) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Sunkiller (With: J.N. Chaney) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Odyssey (With: J.N. Chaney) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Tales of the Acheron Books

Publication Order of Wholesale Slaughter Books

Wholesale Slaughter (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Terminus Cut (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Revelation Run (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Maelstrom Strand (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Redemption's Shadow (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Judas Kiss (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of World War Mars Books

World War Mars (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
World War Mars 2 (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
World War Mars 3 (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Last Flight of the Acheron (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Seeds of Gaia (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Publication Order of Taken to the Stars Books

(with J.N. Chaney)

Taken to the Stars (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
War of the Liberator (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Eclipse of Empire (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Legacy of Empire (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Vanguard Wing (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Home of the Brave (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Road of Vengeance (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Sanctuary's End (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Anthologies

The Guardian(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Beyond the Black: Volume One(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Future Days(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Backblast Area Clear(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
From the Ashes(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
No Man's Land(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Fire for Effect(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Blood, Sweat, and Steel: Tales of Future Combat and Mechanized Warfare(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

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Rick Partlow Synopsis: Seeds of Gaia is a standalone novel by Rick Partlow. The Gaia probes left a condemned Earth millennia ago in a valiant attempt to spread life to a barren universe. Unfortunately, not all of those worlds were uninhabited… The aliens watched their world die to swarms of nanite terraformers, but with their final gasp they launched a terrible, unstoppable weapon to kill those who’d stolen their home. Patrol Captain Sam Avalon is the first human to come across it, a missile the size of an asteroid, destroying anything in its path, destined to impact Earth in four years and leave nothing but ashes. Together with the mysterious government operative Priscilla and the cyborg soldier Telia Proctor, they do their best to unite old enemies in a desperate attempt to save the cradle of humanity from the sins of their fathers…

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