American Girl: Caroline is a series of historical children’s novels by American author Kathleen Ernst. The series is set in 1812, around the War of 1812. The series begins with young Caroline Abbott’s Papa being taken prisoner at the very start of the war between Britain and the United States.

Kathleen Ernst began the American Girl: Caroline series in 2012 with the novel Meet Caroline. The series lasted 10 novels, concluding in 2015 with the novel The Smuggler’s Secrets. Below is a list of Kathleen Ernst’s American Girl: Caroline books in order of when they were originally published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of American Girls: Caroline Books

Meet Caroline(2012)Description / Buy at
Caroline's Secret Message(2012)Description / Buy at
A Surprise for Caroline(2012)Description / Buy at
Caroline Takes a Chance(2012)Description / Buy at
Caroline's Battle(2012)Description / Buy at
Changes for Caroline(2012)Description / Buy at
Traitor in the Shipyard(2013)Description / Buy at
Catch the Wind(2014)Description / Buy at
The Smuggler's Secrets(2015)Description / Buy at

American Girl: Caroline Synopses: In Meet Caroline by Kathleen Ernst, Caroline Abbott is doing what she enjoys most – sailing on Lake Ontario with Papa – when her life she knows will instantly change. A British officer boards their sloop, announces that Britain and America are once again at war, and takes her father prisoner. As Papa is led away, Caroline promises him that she will be brave until he returns. Then the British attack her village, and it looks as if the Americans are in trouble. Can she stay strong enough to help win the day?

Caroline’s Secret Message by Kathleen Ernst is the second book in the series. Caroline and her mother make a risky journey across Lake Ontario to the British fort where Papa is being held prisoner. When Mama isn’t allowed to see Papa, it’s up to Caroline to pass a secret message to him – right under the nose of a British guard! She hopes desperately that Papa will understand her message and make an escape.

Order of Books » Characters » Order of American Girl: Caroline Books

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