Hi everyone and welcome to January!

I hope everyone had a good time over the holidays.

This is actually a different edition of the newsletter than the usual e-mail I send out. The regular newsletter will resume on the 15th of this month.

However I just wanted to focus on one thing in this newsletter.

New Year.

New Website.

It’s been about 5 years in the making, and I’m excited to finally announce the launch of our new website. It’s still in beta mode and only has the primary functionalities at this point, but we have a lot planned for the site and I wanted to share it with all of you.

First a few notes:

– The new website is on a new domain but will not replace OrderOfBooks.com. The two will co-exist.

– It has a LOT more authors. As of this writing, over 12,000 authors are listed on it compared to 4745 on OOB. With the way the site is set up, we should be able to have a faster turnaround and have new authors added within a couple of days.

– After registering, you can choose to follow authors. You will receive one weekly e-mail notifying you of any new books coming out by your favourite authors or any recently released books that you may have missed.

– You can print book lists in multiple formats such as PDF, CSV etc.

Track your authors and reading lists! You can mark books read by authors, rate and review them, as well as mark them as “did not finish”, or “want to read” etc.

– If you are a Goodreads user, you can import your data to the site so that you don’t have to rate/review books all over again!

– While not initially, within the month after we have some data, we will start providing information on each authors page such as average rating, most popular book etc based on all our users ratings.

– This data will also allow us to start recommending books to you. Based on all of the user ratings, we will have an intricate system to recommend books to you based on your tastes, and similar tastes of other book readers. Coming sometime in 2023.

– A personalized book release calendar listing all upcoming books from your favourite authors.

– It’s all completely free!

And that’s just the beginning. We have many new features to add to the site. Some big, some small and are very excited to make this the best book site on the planet.

So what are you waiting for?

Head on over to BookNotification.com, register an account and start following your favourite authors!

(And as mentioned, the site is in beta. Any bugs, issues, let me know. And also if you have any suggestions or feature requests, let me know too! We literally have a list of over 1000 ideas or improvements to make but are always happy to receive constructive feedback and criticism).

Thank you. Back on the 15th!


Book Notification
Order of Books » Newsletter » January 2023 Newsletter

2 Responses to “January 2023 Newsletter”

  1. Pamela Dooley: 2 years ago

    Long time reader – first time comments on current book. I rec’d Nelson Demille’s “THE MAZE” for holiday gift. I was so surprised and OFFENDED that I did not finish it – I Have enjoyed his books in past – this was full of adolescent type references to male genitalia through-out and images of sexual fantasies and I finally stopped when he started literally describing sexual stuff i.e. pornography! WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM? Is he senile? I would be interested in other’s reaction. I am neither a prude or purist – but I read a mystery for mystery plot., not salacious crap. Pam Dooley (Ann Arbor Mi) I am going to let my local bookstore know as they welcome reader reviews.


    • Graeme: 2 years ago

      I don’t think I have had any feedback from anyone else about him. Sorry to hear that!


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