July 2016 Newsletter
Here is the July 2016 Newsletter. If you’re not subscribed there’s a widget to the right (or on mobile scroll down a bunch!) where you can subscribe.
Well it’s been a busy month work wise for me. I haven’t read as much as I wanted. Like I said last month I’m still working my way through Gregg Hurwitz books. I read a couple more of his standalones. Don’t Look Back really highlighted his writing abilities as he captures the jungles of Mexico very well.
I also read The Survivor which I really enjoyed and I’ve started the first novel in the Tim Rackley series, The Kill Clause. Awesome premise to it as it’s essentially a professional vigilante group – and holy crap what a start to it.
Hopefully I’ll have time to read the rest of his novels in July. Although I’ll be taking a break from them to read the 3rd book in the Nick Heller series by Joseph Finder which comes out July 19th – Guilty Minds. Can’t wait! Love me some Heller.
Loved the reader mailbag last month – I asked how you guys keep updated on new books coming out by authors you like. It was amazing seeing how different everyone was and that there was no consistent way people kept track. Was cool seeing all the different ways – and I may just have a welcome surprise for you all down the road in regard to that!
Each month we give away 2 prizes. 1st prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and 2nd prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate.
To win all you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing more! When we go to hit “Publish” we take a list of all of our subscribers, throw them into a random draw and those are the winners.
Our $50 gift certificate winner is Donna from Mauldin, South Carolina, and our $25 gift certificate winner is Larry from Mendenhall, Mississippi . Both of you have been e-mailed. If you haven’t received an e-mail check your junk mail folder!
Book Recommendations:
In this section I give 3 random book recommendations. They can be old books, they can be new. But either way – I recommend you read them if the type of genre they are in appeals to you. Last month in the reader mailbag, we asked people what authors they blindly buy. Based on that, we’re going to be listing books from some of those authors this month.
Vanished: I mentioned how excited I was for the new Nick Heller novel in the opening – there’s a reason for that. Joseph Finder is a bloody great author, whether it’s standalones or his Nick Heller series. Vanished is the first book in the series and it’s a great book with Nick Heller trying to track down his brother – who has disappeared after him and his wife were attacked. There’s a lot to this story. Read more details here.
The Lions of Lucerne: Speaking of first novels in a series – this is the first novel in the Scot Harvath series by Brad Thor. Harvath is an ex-navy seal turned secret service agent and the Lions of Lucerne starts off huge with the President being kidnapped, while his Secret Service detail are massacred. See more details on it here.
The Quiet Game: May as well make it 3 for 3, as there’s nothing like discovering a new series. The Quiet Game is the first novel by Greg Iles in the Penn Cage series of books. An extremely popular series – Penn Cage returns to his home town after a personal tragedy hoping for some peace. Instead he discovers a family mystery buried for 30 years. Read more about it.
July 2016 Book of the Month:
We don’t have a listing yet for Noah Hawley but that will change soon!
The book Before the Fall by Noah Hawley was released at the end of May, and is receiving a ton of great reviews. A private jet full of the elite and one down on his luck painter leaves heading for New York. However it crashes into the ocean with the painter, and a 4 year old kid the only survivors. The kid is now the only remaining member of this incredibly wealthy family.
The story covers the aftermath as well as the backstories of both passengers and crew members and a big mystery comes to light. This book comes highly recommended from our readers who have been requesting we add Hawley to the site all month!
Your Thoughts:
Last month I asked how you kept up to date on new books coming out by authors you like. Thanks so much for the feedback – was amazing to see all the different ways people keep up to date from spreadsheets to calendars, goodreads to libraries etc.
The feedback is posted later in the newsletter.
This months question is: share a personal story/memory related to books.
The sort of story you might tell a friend about over drinks when discussing books, or just a fun book related story. Here’s two of mine:
– I remember reading the book The Firm by John Grisham back when I lived in Scotland. I started it one night at dinner while eating Chips & Curry Sauce and then I ended up loving it so much I stayed up all night reading it. I finished it at about 7am and slept all day. Then I went to the video rental store and what did I see? The movie The Firm. I immediately rented it and stopped at the chip shop next door for more chips & curry sauce.
The result? I can’t think of The Firm now without immediately thinking about chips & curry sauce. And I can’t eat chips & curry sauce without immediately thinking of The Firm! Every few years I’ll go back and re-read The Firm while dining on Chips & Curry Sauce.
– Many years ago, I read the first book in the Mitch Rapp series by Vince Flynn. I remember it was a Sunday afternoon, and I loved the book so much. I hadn’t yet switched to digital reading. So I finished the book and with the rest of Sunday free, I wanted to read the next one immediately. I remember stepping out my door, and seeing clouds to my right. As I walked down towards the library, I could hear the rain start to batter behind me. So I walked faster and faster until I was running – for whatever reason that day, I decided I was going to get this book, and I wasn’t going to get wet in the process! Well I made it to the library bone dry……..only to discover it was closed on Sundays!
So I said screw it, got soaking wet and walked to the local Chapters bookstore where I grabbed the book. Came home and hopped in the bath where I proceeded to read it for the next couple of hours. Just a nice little memory I have when I think of the Rapp series.
What memories/stories do you have?
E-mail us your feedback to site@OrderOfBooks.com or just reply to this e-mail, and we’ll pick the best comments and feature it in next months newsletter.
10 Notable Books Coming in July 2016:
Here are some of the more notable books coming out in July This is based on how popular the character or author are at our website:
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
Night and Day by Iris Johansen
The Black Widow by Daniel Silva
Among the Wicked by Linda Castillo
Killer Look by Linda Fairstein
Deadly Fate by Heather Graham
Guilty Minds by Joseph Finder
Nemesis by Catherine Coulter
Someone Always Knows by Marcia Muller
Reader Mailbag:
Thanks for all the feedback you sent in last month in regard to how you keep updated on the latest books coming out from your favourite authors.
Each month one random submitter wins a $25 gift certificate for Amazon. This months winner is Becky W who wrote:
I get emails from my favorite authors. Follow them in Facebook. And randomly check the library for those authors. I got tired of spending so much money on books that I would read once so I use the library as much as possible.
For all the feedback, see the reader mailbag here.