October 2015 Newsletter
Welcome to the 3rd OrderOfBooks.com Newsletter! I can’t believe a month has passed since the last newsletter. Time just flies!
Hope everyone enjoyed reading the new Jack Reacher book Make Me. I finished it in about 2 days. Couldn’t put it down and absolutely loved it. I thought his previous 2 were rather lackluster too, so I’m glad it’s back on track!
With the new Mitch Rapp book written by Kyle Mills coming out in a couple of days, I’ve been busy re-reading the entire Mitch Rapp series which is my 3rd time of reading. Such a tremendous series and hoping to wrap it up before The Survivor hits the stores October 6th.
Each month we give away 2 prizes. 1st prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and 2nd prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate. We were giving away our book of the month previously but if you’ve pre-ordered it or not a fan of that series then it’s not much use! It also means you don’t have to give out your address.
To win all you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing more! When we go to hit “Publish” we take a list of all of our subscribers, throw them into a random draw and those are the winners.
Our $50 gift certificate winner is Kruse from California and our $25 gift certificate winner is Barbara from Easton, Pennsylvania. Both of you have been e-mailed. If you haven’t received an e-mail check your junk mail folder!
October 2015 Book of the Month:
There’s a lot of great books coming out this month, but I have to give the nod to John Grisham and his latest book Rogue Lawyer.
Grisham was the first author I read when I was getting into “adult” books and although his latest books are nothing like The Client, The Firm and A Time To Kill – they are usually still very solid stories that I enjoy.
Rogue lawyer is about a street lawyer whose office is a bullet proof van, and who defends the clients most lawyers wouldn’t touch.
New Content Added:
New Content Added to OrderOfBooks.com
We have a strict rule at OrderOfBooks.com about adding a page dedicated to a series – only if there are at least 4 books or the readers demand it. After the Hunger Games came out, everyone and their mother was writing Young Adult trilogies so we had to set those rules before we went nuts!
One of the series that managed to make it past those rules was the Wayward Pines series of books. I haven’t actually read that series myself yet but planning on it as soon as I finish the Rapp series.
We’ve also added the following new content to the site in the past month:
Author John Gwynne and his Faithful and the Fallen series
Authors Kate Mosse and Giles Kristian
Tessa Dare and her book series Spindle Cove, and Castles Ever After
Bubba Snoddy (Cozy/Paranormal Mystery Series by C.L. Bevill)
Mortality Doctrine (YA Science Fiction/adventure series by James Dashner)
Finishing School (YA Steampunk Adventure series by Gail Carriger)
Will Robie (Military Thriller Suspense series by David Baldacci)
Sleeping Beauty Stories (Erotic series with a neat twist by Anne Rice)
Katie Maguire (Crime thriller series by Graham Masterton)
Your Thoughts:
Last month we asked for your thoughts on books written in a series after an author has passed away. We received a ton of e-mails and a portion of them are below. Thank you to everyone for commenting!
This month – Is There Any Book Series That You Gave Up? And if so when and why?
For example – I used to read the Alex Cross series by James Patterson religiously. They were one of my favourite series of books. However I started to lose interest in the stories. The book Cross Country where he goes to Africa I REALLY did not like. Then the next book, I, Alex Cross opened with a “beloved family member” getting murdered. A family member so beloved that I don’t believe they had ever been mentioned before this book. I immediately stopped reading, and have never went back to Alex Cross.
What about you? Have you ever gave up on a series? Let us know!
E-mail us your feedback(100 words or less) to site@OrderOfBooks.com or just reply to this e-mail, and we’ll pick the best comments and feature it in next months newsletter.
(See the newsletter archives for the feedback we received)
10 Notable Books Coming In October 2015:
10 Notable Books Coming Out In October 2015!
Here are some of the more notable books coming out in October. This is based on how popular the character or author are at our website:
Mitch Rapp Series: The Survivor
Dr. Kay Scarpetta Series: Depraved Heart
John Grisham: Rogue Lawyer
Inspector Lynley Series: A Banquet of Consequences
John Sandford and Ctein: Saturn Run
Wilbur Smith: Golden Lion
James Patterson: Confessions: The Murder of An Angel
Tess Gerritsen: Playing With Fire
Elin Hilderbrand: Winter Stroll
Stone Barrington Series: Foreign Affairs
Thanks For Reading:
This is the 3rd newsletter and I’m enjoying doing them so much! Be sure to check the site every day as we’re adding a ton of content over the next little while.
I did some research of authors with books coming out over the next 3 months that we don’t have, and found over 300 authors with many different series. Amazing how many there are out there and we’ll never quit until we list every single one of them!
Remember & check out http://www.OrderofBooks.com for all your order of book needs