In the June newsletter we asked readers for their suggestions for a book notification website I am launching later this year.

Here were their responses:

Russ: A suggestion for new book releases (list). It would be nice to know the format(s) available for the book.

This would be nice on your order of books or books in order lists you publish. I collect Fiction from 80’s on.

I collect Hard Cover 1/1 of books (authors) I read years ago and gave away. Now I keep the books. I spend a lot of time in thrift and used book stores and on the internet. I refer to your list a lot.. I still like to read a printed book..

Patti: Now, for a suggestion for your new project, I’m wondering if it would be beneficial to include information in those emails about the availability of audiobooks. Some of us don’t have time to read actual paper books these days, and it really helps me to know what the availability of an audio is, for example, if it will come out at the exact same time as the book, or at a later date, or perhaps not at all.

Pam: Oh, as far as your new notification service, it sounds great like described. An app for the notification would be great. I do tend to pre-order many books on Amazon, but I don’t always get that done. Any info on my favorite authors, or authors who might become a favorite is always appreciated.

Kathleen: I think you are “spot on” with the reading notification service! Sounds like it will have everything I could ask for and then some.

I truly enjoy your newsletter and look for it the first of every month. I have gotten many great “new to me” authors to explore. Thanks so much for all your time and effort in publishing it.

Have a fantastic reading summer!

Elizabeth: I really don’t want too many notifications. I keep a list of upcoming books I want to read. Since most books come out on Tuesday, anything more than a weekly list would be overkill for me. I love the idea of suggestions for similar books with a synopsis included. Sounds like a great way to discover new authors and series. Since I get all of my books from the public library, purchasing links would not be useful.

Diana: In response to your news about a book notification service, I am jumping for joy! You seem to have thought through the process very well and anticipated everything readers would want from such a service. I especially love the idea of providing us with ideas for new authors and series based on the ones we already subscribe to. I am always looking for new authors which is one of the reasons I love getting your monthly newsletter.

Ayesha: I’m quite happy with your suggestions regarding informing people on new books by favourite authors. I’d like to know: when new books are coming out in a series I like/read, when the author of a series I read has stand alone books coming out, or is starting a new series; and anything related to similar authors, series or themes…

Audrey: As for the author service, your description is exactly what I am looking for. Basic, simple, sufficient. Perfect.

Janet: With the notification service could you add when the paperback version is published?

Linda: The only thing I can think of to add to your new venture is maybe just a very short plot of the book. I love the idea of listing other authors you might like as this is how I get some of my new reads.

AJ: this is too much for the website you’re proposing, but what I’ve always wanted was a synopsis of the last book in a series (not a review, which hints but doesn’t reveal) just before the next one is released. I find myself re-scanning the last book to try and remember.

DQ: Hi – fun reading your emails… a thought on “Thoughts!”… always know when area teams are playing, and when a favorite band is performing locally, but usually forget about authors… guess stadiums and concert venues have slightly larger advertising budgets than book stores and libraries… even getting author book-store-signing info is difficult other than store/library or author-specific sites: the Hartford (CT) Courant editorial policy is NOT to bold author’s names on its Sunday books page, so you’ve got to wade through a whole page of gray type to find an author’s name rather than just scanning for a bold name… anyway, my thought would be to make authors’ book-sign tour stops an easily accessible bit of news…just a “Thought”… thanks…

Judy: Love the idea of the notification system – and would like it to recommend other authors if we really like a certain author and type of books. Hope the tests are successful and we can have the app soon.

Please ignore the haters – I swear they all need to get a life!

I love your monthly newsletter and your books in order – I use it all the time when I find a new author I like and want to find more books they have written.

Craig: First, I’m sorry you received so much hate mail from your last post. I’m an English major; but I see no reason to become the grammar police on everything that is out there. Last time I checked, none of us are paying you to do this project. We’re fortunate to have you spend the time to prepare and send out your newsletter every month. Additionally, your comments were spot on: people are always looking for a reason to get angry, and they definitely need to re-evaluate their lives.

As for what I am looking for out of a book notification service: I’m happy knowing when a release date is first announced. I like the idea of getting an additional notification 1 month before the actual release date. this is especially helpful when books are occasionally delayed (the newest Robert Crais is an example of that: I think it was supposed to be released last year). I don’t think you need to do yet another notification on the actual day of release. That seems to be an added layer of work on your end. I like the idea of having a “If you like this author, then maybe you want to try…..” section. I have found new authors from your newsletter; and this would be another way to learn about new people in genres I like. Thanks,

Book Notification
Order of Books » Newsletter » Reader Mailbag: Book Notification Website Suggestions

One Response to “Reader Mailbag: Book Notification Website Suggestions”

  1. Mojave Son: 5 years ago

    Great book reviews. Keep ’em coming!


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