Reader Mailbag: Who Do You Discuss Books With?
In the September 2023 newsletter, I asked readers who they discuss books with. Here are the responses:
Christine: Hi Graeme, I like to discuss books with my sister-in-law. She is part of a book club and I get some good ideas of books to read from her and I pass along any exceptionally good books I think her group may like.
We started in January 1996 — and I’m proud to say I was one of the founding members! We meet on the second Monday of each month, and for the past several years we’ve been alternating between non-fiction and fiction.
Next week we’ll be discussing The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore — and in October it will be The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead.
While the group varies from month to month, there’s a core of 10 members who make for lively discussions!
So that’s who I discuss some of my books with!
Phillip: Hi Graeme. To answer your question. I donate a lot of books that I buy to my public library. And I like to talk about them with the head librarian. She’s a friend of mine and she reads a lot as well. We both love mysteries and those are the books we talk about the most. She’s my partner in crime…novels.
Rhea: I used to discuss my books with my ex-husband because we liked the same books. Now, I keep a list with mini-reviews on social media so I can recommend books I love (or not). I may actually speak to the actual authors more than anyone (online). I like to express my gratitude directly to them for their hard work and wonderful work.
Chris: Hi Graeme-As always, I appreciate hearing about all the great books! I have a few friends who love books like I do and we give each other recommendations all the time. In fact, I’m currently reading a bestseller that a friend loaned me that was mentioned in this newsletter: The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese. So far, it’s been very good. I have a cousin who sends me ideas of what to read next and I do the same for her. I tend to ask people whom I’ve just met if they like to read, and, if so, what they’re reading at the moment. I experienced something recently that threw me for a bit of a loop. I asked someone I know if they liked to read and they said they don’t read books. I then asked her if she liked watching movies or series, in case she prefers ‘watching’ a book versus reading it. She doesn’t like to do that, either. I can’t imagine a life without books, either reading them, watching them or listening to them. The only problem is that I will have to live to the age of 200 in order to read every title on my list.
LInda: I had the wonderful experience to have worked as a librarian in our local library. So we all discussed the books we have read and shared with all. It was such fun listening to others share how they felt about the books. Now that I am older, I have a friend who loves mysteries as much as I do. We share our reading preferences back and forth. That way we always have new ideas on what to read next. Everyone should have a buddy that shares your love of books. It is a rewarding friendship. Now because of my PT taking up so much of my time, I have not read a lot this month. But I don’t know if I ever recommended “Code Red”. That was one excellent experience. Love that series.
Bonnie: I love books and I love chatting with strangers about books. If I’m alone in a restaurant, I sit at the bar with a book or my Kindle and invariably the person sitting next to me will strike up a conversation. I was reading a Daniel Silva novel and the gentleman next to me said that the first book in the series was the only explanation he’d ever read that explained the Arab-Palestinian conflict. I thought I was the only one who felt that way!
Brenna: In answer to this month’s question, I work at a library so I mostly discuss books with coworkers and on occasion patrons. We don’t all read the same genres but we do usually give quick “book talks” to each other about novels that made an impression us. Some of us also have our own display shelves where we put books out that we recommend for the public.
Gail: About the question who or how do you discuss books. I moved a small rural town near where I grew up. It’s not easy to find other readers or those who share your interest. For me it’s online, I have found so many sites that dedicated to some of my favorite authors. The exchanges and opinions can differ widely but oh what fun to share with like minded people.
Joy: I talk books with my 22 year old Grandson. I am the only reader in my large family so when my Grandson happened to say he had a certain book on his bookshelf…well, I almost fainted. A member of my family had a bookshelf! Made my day complete