mcgawWritten by Graeme McGaw

I must admit – I had a bit of an ulterior motive when it came to requesting Love You To Death: The unofficial compaion to the Vampire Diaries: Season 5 from the publishers ECW Press for doing a review.

I watch the Vampire Diaries sparingly – but my wife got into it just last year and has been a huge fan of it. Like any TV show she gets into – I use it as an excuse to get Christmas presents for her. Prison Break mouse pad? Check. True Blood t-shirts? Check. Dexter mug that has blood spatters appear when heated up? Check.


So it goes without saying that this Christmas I’ll be buying her various Vampire Diaries merchandise. With 4 books already written by Crissy Calhoun and Heather Vee covering the Vampire Diaries, I got this book from ECW Press both for review, and to see how much she liked it.

Let’s just say I can now put the number “4” beside “Christmas Presents Bought” for this year.

My wife absolutely loved this book. As she got into the show late, we just recently bought Vampire Diaries Season 5 on DVD and I asked her to go through this book as she watched the episodes as a companion guide.

Because that’s exactly what it is and what I’d say is intended for; watch an episode, then read the books section on that episode.

The book is very thorough for each episode. First of all – you’ll get a thorough review of the episode, so it’s great to be able to read that in case you missed anything, but more importantly read someone elses opinion of the episode as well. You’ll also get quotes from various people for each episode as well, talking about that episode being their favourite episode, or their favourite moments in that particular episode.

There’ll then be sections after each episode recap, such as the “Circle of Knowledge” where it will talk about things that happened during the episode, or quotes said, and expand on them. Lots of historical tidbits that we both found really neat to read. There’s also various sections such as the Writers talking about how they actually joined the Vampire Diaries – very cool to read their stories.

You also have sections like “OFF CAMERA” which gives the perspective of people off camera such as the writers. They’ll talk about the episode and what they really liked about it, or their favourite moments. They also have a section where they’ll point out some amusing stuff – like how can Matt Donovan afford all those fancy cameras? Is he selling off Carol Lockwoods antique furniture?

Overall, this is a thoroughly excellent book clearly written by huge Vampire Diaries fans, and it’s a great book to have. It’s great just for sitting down and reading and getting all of the memories back via recaps of what’s going on – and even better if you watch an episode first then read the book as we suggested – so many little things you might not have picked up on.

You can purchase the book at Amazon here and on that page there will be links to the other books in the series – which will be going under our christmas tree this year for sure!

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