Alvirah and Willy are two characters created by American author Mary Higgins Clark, with some novels co-authored by her daughter Carol Higgins Clark. They appear in various suspense novels as main and secondary characters. Alvirah Meehan has won a $40 million dollar lottery and her husband Willy is a plumber.
Regan Reilly is the protagonist in a series of mystery novels by American novelist Carol Higgins Clark. Regan is a P.I. with pizzazz based out of Los Angeles. Regan Reilly also appears in the Alvirah and Willy series.
Carol Higgins Clark is an American author of mystery and suspense novels. She is the daughter of suspense novelist Mary Higgins Clark and former sister-in-law of Mary Jane Clark. Of course, Carol is often compared to her mother, with one difference being that Carol’s writing has more of a sense of humour. Carol’s most well-known […]