The Chronicles of Nick is a series of young adult urban fantasy novels by American author Sherrilyn Kenyon. The series is linked to Kenyon’s Dark-Hunter universe. The series follows Nick Gautier, a teenager with a destiny he doesn’t completely understand. He must stay alive while everyone around him tries to kill him.
Dark-Hunter is a series of urban fantasy novels by American author Sherrilyn Kenyon. The series is actually a universe that comprises her Dark-Hunter series, Were-Hunter series, Dream-Hunter series and more. The Dark-Hunters have made a pledge to the Greek goddess Artemis to defend mankind against vampires called Daimons along with any other enemy that challenges […]
Sherrilyn Kenyon is an American novelist of fantasy and romance, usually in the urban fantasy and paranormal romance sub-genres. She is best known for her Dark-Hunter series, but has also written several other series including the B.A.D. Agency, The League, Belador Code and The Chronicles of Nick. Sherrilyn also uses the pen name Kinley MacGregor […]