Star Trek: The Next Generation is a series of science fiction novels by various authors, based on the popular television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The series is set during the 2360s, approximately 100 years after Star Trek: The Original Series. The starship crew is captained by Jean-Luc Picard and his first officer William Riker.


Star Trek: The Original Series is a series of science fiction novels based on the popular television show (1966-1969) and movies created by Gene Roddenberry. The show takes place on the starship U.S.S. Enterprise, which is headed by Captain James T. Kirk, along with his first officer Spock. Each episode of the television series started […]


Star Trek is science fiction franchise covering several different mediums created by American screenwriter and producer Gene Roddenberry. Star Trek began in 1966 with Star Trek: The Original Series (a retronym), followed by several movies and television series – most notably Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. […]