The Clifton Chronicles is a series of historical fiction/family saga novels by British author Jeffrey Archer. The series follows the Clifton family throughout the generations. It begins with Harry Clifton as a boy between the Great War and the Second World War in Bristol, England.

Written by Julie Vegas on Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Winter of the World by Ken Follett is the latest novel to be offered at in eBook format for only 20p. The digital list price is £11.64. Other authors who have books being sold at the low, discounted price include James Herbert, Peter James, Jeffrey Archer, Scarlett Thomas and Yann Martel.

Written by Dan Malone on Tuesday, July 31st, 2012

Add bestselling authors Jeffrey Archer and David Baldacci to the list of authors is now offering for the low price of 20p in eBook format. Amazon is offering Only Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer and Zero Day by David Baldacci for 20p. Other titles to be offered for the super-low price include The […]


Jeffrey Archer is an English author and former politician, whose political career ended following a financial scandal. As far as his literary career goes, he has written novels, short stories and plays. He tends to stick to the thriller and drama genres, although he has also written some children’s books. Aside from writing fiction, he […]