Mike Hammer is a fictional character featured in a series of hardboiled crime fiction novels by American novelist Mickey Spillane and later American novelist Max Allan Collins. Following World War II, Spillane conceived of a comic book character named Mike Danger, which ended up becoming a detective fiction character named Mike Hammer. The character is […]
Mickey Spillane (1918-2006) was an American author of hardboiled crime fiction, most notably his Mike Hammer series. Over 225 million copies of his books have been sold worldwide and at one time, seven his books were in the top 15 in the list of all-time bestselling novels in the United States. At the time, his […]
Max Allan Collins is an American author of mysteries. Much more than a novelist, Collins has also penned short stories, movie novelizations, screenplays, graphic novels, comic books, comic strips, trading cards and more. Max was a fan of Mickey Spillane and eventually became friends with him. He would end up taking over for Spillane on […]