The Gap Cycle is a series of science fiction novels by American author Stephen R. Donaldson. The series is set in the future where the human race has been pushed out into space in order to find new resources. An alien species called the Amnion trade ores for technology with the humans.


The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant is a series of high fantasy novels by American author of Stephen R. Donaldson. Thomas Convenant is a cynical writer who suffers from leprosy. His fate is to become the saviour of an alternate world called The Land. The Land has varied geography, races, cultures and history, giving the series […]


Stephen R. Donaldson is an American novelist of fantasy, sci-fi and mystery novels. His work is complex, abstract and bleak with a lot of imagination, vivid characterizations and rapid pace. The work he is most well-known for his Thomas Covenant series. He has another major series called the Gap Cycle. He also writes under the […]