Wilderness is a series of western novels by American novelist David Robbins (originally as David Thompson). The protagonist of this series is a young New York City accountant named Nate King who heads off to the Remote Mountains with an uncle of his named Zeke. While he’s there, he meets a Shoshone woman named Wi-no-na […]


David Robbins is an American author of western, horror, science fiction, fantasy, young adult, mystery and adventure novels. He is the author of the Wilderness series, Endworld and Blade series, White Apache and Davy Crockett series. David has also written for the Executioner, Mack Bolan, Trailsman, Mountain Majesty, Preacher’s Law, Omega Sub and Hardy Boys […]


The Wilderness series is a series of historical fiction/family saga novels by American author Sara Donati. The series follows the Bonner family, starting out in the late 18th century and continues well into the 19th century.


Rosina Lippi-Green is an American author who writes under the names of Sara Donati (the name she is best known as) and Rosina Lippi (her maiden name). She writes historical fiction and romance novels. She writes the Wilderness series. When she was 17 years old, Sara went to Austria on a scholarship from the American […]