Thrush Green is a series of novels by English author Miss Read (Dora Jessie Saint). The series is set in a village on the English countryside known as Thrush Green. The village neighbours Read’s other series, Fairacre. The series is a social comedy, full of gentle humour and social commentary (albeit subtle).


Fairacre is a series of British literary fiction by English author Miss Read (Dora Jessie Saint). The series follows the various residents who live in the village of Fairacre, located in the English countryside. Miss Read is also a character in the series – she is a schoolmistress who teaches a group of lovable children.


Miss Read was the pen name of English novelist Dora Jessie Saint (1913-2012); an author of novels set on the British countryside. Her series included Fairacre and Thrush Green – both set in British villages. “Miss Read” was also a character who appeared in her Fairacre series. Saint also worked as a teacher. She retired […]