Robin D Owens
Robin D. Owens is an American author of fantasy and futuristic romance, urban fantasy and romantic fantasy novels. She writes the Celta, Summoning and Ghost Seer series. Robin was named 2004 Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ Writer of the Year, 2001 Writer of the Year and won other awards, including the Colorado Romance Writers Lifetime Achievement Award and the 2010 Best Paranormal and Best of the Best Daphne du Maurier Award.

Robin D. Owens made her debut as a published author in 2001 with the novel Heart Mate. Below is a list of Robin D. Owens’ books in order of when they were first released:

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Publication Order of Celta's Heartmates Books

Publication Order of Ghost Seer Books

Publication Order of Mystic Circle Books

Enchanted No More (2010)Description / Buy at
Enchanted Again (2011)Description / Buy at
Enchanted Ever After (2012)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Summoning Books

Guardian of Honor (2005)Description / Buy at
Sorceress of Faith (2006)Description / Buy at
Protector of the Flight (2007)Description / Buy at
Keepers of the Flame (2008)Description / Buy at
Echoes in the Dark (2008)Description / Buy at
Song of Marwey (2022)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Anthologies

What Dreams May Come(2005)Description / Buy at
Debris & Detritus, The Lesser Greek Gods Running Amok(2017)Description / Buy at

Notes: What Dreams May Come also contains stories by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Rebecca York.

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Robin D. Owens Synopsis: In Feral Magic by Robin D. Owens, Brandy Svensson mourns her lost soldier fiancee and struggles to move on. Her own near-death experience has brought her an odd “gift” – she has a telepathic connection with cats. She’s coping with life’s changes until the night she finds a lost jaguar cub, just the start of the greatest changes of all… Dak, a warrior Pantherman, is alarmed when his baby nephew, the Chief of the klatch, vanishes. Dak must find the infant before his enemies do… or be branded a murderer and risk igniting warfare among the clans. When the cub turns into a human baby, shock and confusion flood Brandy. And when a full-grown jaguar arrives to claim him, then transforms into a man, fascination sweeps through her. Dak’s protective instincts are triggered by this lovely woman, and the certainty that he’s followed by a killer. Drawn together in their fight to protect the baby, Brandy and Dak confront the enemy and the final choice threatens. Will the feral magic they’ve discovered together save or doom them?

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