Baseball Great by Tim Green
Baseball Great is a series of children’s sports novels by American author Tim Green. The series follows Josh, a Little League baseball player with his team, the Titans.

Tim Green began his Baseball Great series in 2009 with the novel Baseball Great. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Tim Green’s Baseball Great books in order of when they were originally released (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Baseball Great Synopsis: In Baseball Great by Tim Green (book 1 of the series), following attention from the school newspaper, Josh feels like he’s getting noticed – for both good and bad. Realizing Josh has talent, his father takes him out of the school baseball tryouts and gets him in the running for the Titans, the local youth championship team coached by Rocky Valentine. All Josh really wants to do is play ball, but now Rocky wants him to gulp down protein shakes and other supplements. Suspicious, Josh and his new friend, Jaden, uncover a dangerous secret – and catch the attention of one man who will do anything to keep them from exposing it.

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