Dr. Alan Gregory is a fictional character created by American novelist Stephen White. The character is featured in a series of psychological thriller novels. Much like the author, Gregory is a psychologist based in Boulder, Colorado.

The Dr. Alan Gregory series began in 1991 with White’s literary debut, Privileged Information. The series is set to conclude with a two-part finale that started with Line of Fire in 2012 (with one more book remaining in the series). Below is a list of Stephen White’s Alan Gregory books in order of when they were originally published (and in chronological order):

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Publication Order of Alan Gregory Books

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One Response to “Order of Dr. Alan Gregory Books”

  1. nance: 11 years ago

    Awesome site. I’m glad you listed prices. My sister is just getting ready to find/read the alan gregory series so this will be a great link for her. Thank you!


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