The Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mysteries series is a series of mystery novels by American novelist Kathi Daley. The series follows Kailani Pope, whose goal it is to join the Honolulu Police Department. When a murder takes place at the resort she is working at, she figures solving it herself might be her ticket into a blue uniform. The series is written to be ideal to be read on the beach.

Kathi Daley began her Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mysteries series in 2016 with the novel Murder at Dolphin Bay. Below is a list of Kathi Daley’s Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mysteries books in order of when they were first published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mysteries Books

Murder at Dolphin Bay(2016)Description / Buy at
Murder at Sunrise(2016)Description / Buy at
Murder at the Witching Hour(2016)Description / Buy at
Murder at Christmas(2016)Description / Buy at
Murder at Turtle Cove(2017)Description / Buy at
Murder at Waters Edge(2017)Description / Buy at
Murder at Midnight(2017)Description / Buy at
Murder at Pope Investigations(2019)Description / Buy at

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Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mysteries Synopsis: In Murder at Dolphin Bay by Kathi Daley, Kailani Pope dreams of joining the Honolulu Police Department. Many members of her family have been law enforcement officers, and the only thing she has ever wanted from the time she can remember wanting anything, was to be a cop. She has passed all the requirements to be selected for the police academy but somehow her number never seems to be called. While she is waiting for her name to work its way to the top of the list she works as a lifeguard for the Dolphin Bay Resort. When a guest of the resort is found murdered, Kailani decides that if she can solve the murder before her brother who has been assigned to the case by HPD, then the department will have no choice but to take her application seriously and move her to the top of the list.

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