Andy McNab Returns to Afghan Frontlines; Almost Gets Blown Up
The Nick Stone author was with an infantry patrol in Afghanistan when suddenly a young soldier with a mine detector shouted “Stop!” Infront of them was a 44 lb. bomb.
“It was high explosive that would have taken out the patrol, including me,” Andy McNab said. “I was only three men behind him. Without doubt he saved our lives — I owe him a few beers back home.”
Immediately, soldiers helicoptered into the battle zone and killed three insurgents within minutes.
Then, after six IED blasts, Rifleman Kev Cooper found the bomb.
“Kev told me later he got down, gently started to dig out the sand and thought, ‘F***!’. He said he was just doing his job but we’re glad he found it before it took us out and that it’s not still lying there waiting for other lads.”