Selleck Sees An End Coming for CBS “Jesse Stone” Movies
Jesse Stone: Benefit of the Doubt, Tom Selleck’s eighth Jesse Stone TV movie based on the Robert B. Parker character, airs May 20th on CBS. Selleck, who is an executive producer and a co-writer on the series of films, thinks it’ll be the last of the series.
“Bless them, they’ve done eight of these and they always perform far above what’s normally in the time slot, but they are constantly perplexed: ‘We’re not in the two-hour movie business.’ That being said, that’s not the end of Jesse, or at least I don’t think so. There are a lot of other entities, whether cable or even feature films, but this is most likely the last one on CBS. I’m not done with the character, though.”
The movies have been airing regularly on the Hallmark Channel and enjoy healthy sales in the DVD market.

Looking forward to the 2012 Jesse Stone movie. I’m glad to hear Selleck is open to doing more. My wife and I love those movies.