Top Out-Of-Print Books For 2012
98-99% of all books are currently out of print, for various reasons. It could be that they aren’t popular to justify printing them continually, maybe the author doesn’t want the book out there. has put out a list of the top 13 out-of-print books ranked by popularity (or demand). Hopefully we’ll be seeing some of these books back on shelves, perhaps with snazzy new covers.
And think, if you have one of these books on your bookshelf collecting dust, maybe you might want to get rid of it and make some cash. Sex by Madonna can go for $75 used, and four times that new!
Notable fiction works on the list include Rage and My Pretty Pony by Stephen King, Promise Me Tomorrow by Nora Roberts, Mandingo by Kyle Onstott and Dark Carnival by Ray Bradbury.
Below is the list of the top 13 out-of-print book titles for the year of 2012:
1. Sex by Madonna
2. Rage by Richard Bachman (Stephen King)
3. Promise Me Tomorrow by Nora Roberts
4. My Pretty Pony by Stephen King
5. Pure, White and Deadly by John Yudkin
6. Mandingo by Kyle Onstott
7. Man in Black by Johnny Cash
8. Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini
9. 365 Bedtime Stories by Nan Gilbert
10. Tudor Roses by Alice Starmore
11. Fast Times at Ridgemont High by Cameron Crowe
12. A Treasury of Great Recipes by Mary and Vincent Price
13. Dark Carnival by Ray Bradbury