The Star Carrier series is a series of military science fiction novels by American novelist Ian Douglas (William H. Keith). The series follows the officers and crew of a space faring spacecraft carrier, similar to Battlestar Galactica.
The Galactic Marines saga is a series of military science fiction novels by Ian Douglas (William H. Keith). The series is made up of three trilogies – the Heritage trilogy, Legacy trilogy and Inheritance trilogy. The Heritage trilogy is set in the future, when humans begin to find out their true origins. The other two […]
William H. Keith, Jr. is an American novelist of science fiction, action and thriller novels. He is the author of the Freedom’s Rangers, Cybernarc, Warstrider, SEALs: The Warrior Breed, Galactic Marines and Star Carrier series. Aside from series he wrote himself, Bill has also contributed to several series, including Doctor Who, BattleTech, Carrier, Buck Rogers, […]