SEAL Team Seven is a series of action-adventure/military fiction novels written under the house name of Keith Douglass. The series follows the team known as SEAL Team Seven as they battle the Iranians, Serbs and German and North Korean terrorists.


Carrier is a series of action-adventure novels by Keith Douglass – a house name used by William H. Keith and J. Andrew Keith (as a team) and others. The series follows U.S. Navy aviators aboard the CVN-74 U.S.S. Thomas Jefferson supercarrier. Throughout the series, the team must go to North Korea, Thailand, India and more.


William H. Keith, Jr. is an American novelist of science fiction, action and thriller novels. He is the author of the Freedom’s Rangers, Cybernarc, Warstrider, SEALs: The Warrior Breed, Galactic Marines and Star Carrier series. Aside from series he wrote himself, Bill has also contributed to several series, including Doctor Who, BattleTech, Carrier, Buck Rogers, […]