Denton is a series of historical mystery novels by American novelist Kenneth Cameron. The series follows General Denton, a veteran of the U.S. Civil War and a former sheriff. He is now living in London, England and working as a novelist during the turn of the century.


Kenneth M. Cameron is an American author of historical fiction, spy fiction, military thrillers and non-fiction books. He writes the Denton series and co-authors the Alan Craik series. Kenneth is a former U.S. Navy intelligence officer. He has written under his real name, as George Bartram and with his son Christian Cameron as Gordon Kent. […]


Alan Craik is the main protagonist in a series of naval/military/spy thriller novels by Gordon Kent (Christian G. Cameron & Kenneth M. Cameron). Alan Craik is a U.S. Naval Intelligence officer. A very serious character, he is determined to prove himself to his fellow soldiers, his father (himself a serviceman) and to himself.