Private is a series of thriller novels by American author James Patterson (and various co-authors). The series follows protagonist Jack Morgan, who runs an organization called Private – a detective agency that will get a job done with maximum force and discretion (even if they have to break a few rules in the process).


Mark T. Sullivan is an American novelist of mystery and suspense novels. He has collaborated on Private novels starring Jack Morgan with bestselling author James Patterson. Sullivan grew up in Boston, where he was born, and served in the Peace Corps.


Private is a series of young adult novels by American novelist Kate Brian (Kieran Scott) written for teenage girls. The series consists of the original series (set in the present), the Privilege series (set slightly in the future) and the prequel series. The series follow Reed Brennan, an ambitious teenager who joins her school’s dorm, […]


Kieran Scott is an American author of chick lit and young adult novels. She also often writes under the pen name Kate Brian, which includes both her Private and Privilege series that she is well known for. Kate went to Pascack Hills High School in New Jersey and was into cheerleading, singing and acting growing […]

Written by Ella Thomson on Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

James Patterson has struck a deal with Sonar Entertainment to develop his Private series as a television show. Screenwriter John McLaughlin is to write the two-hour premiere. Patterson will serve as executive producer on the show. “My ultimate goal is to tell stories in television that fans love and want to come back to again […]