The Long Earth is a series of science fiction novels by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. The series follows Joshua Valiente, who can travel to planets that are similar to Earth (but without humans), and Labsang, who claims to have been a Tibetan motorcycle repairman who has been reincarnated as artificial intelligence. Together, they will […]
The Xeelee Sequence is a series of hard science fiction novels by British novelist Stephen Baxter. It includes both the original Xeelee series and the Destiny’s Children series. The Xeelee Sequence is about the expansion of the human race, going to war with an alien race known as the Xeelee and the Xeelee’s war with […]
Stephen Baxter is a British author of hard science fiction and alternate history novels. He writes the Xeelee Sequence, Destiny’s Children, NASA Trilogy, Manifold Trilogy, Mammoth Trilogy, Time Odyssey (with Arthur C. Clarke), Time’s Tapestry, Long Earth (with Terry Pratchett) and Proxima series. Baxter earned his degree in mathematics from Cambridge University, his doctorate degree […]