The Circle universe represents multiple series of children’s fantasy novels by American author Tamora Pierce. The series follows four children – Sandry, Tris, Daja and Briar – who have been brought together by Niko, who informs them that they are ambient mages, meaning they use magic from outside themselves.
The Tortall universe is a “universe” consisting of five series of YA fantasy novels by American author Tamora Pierce. “Tortall” refers to the main country on the world in which the books take place on. Tortall resembles the Middle Ages, consisting of a monarchy and magic.
Tamora Pierce is an American novelist of YA fantasy novels. She is the author of the Tortall universe and Circle universe novels. Tamora’s unique name is due to the fact that the nurse misspelled her name on her birth certificate. Tamora began writing as a young child and became interested in fantasy due to The […]