The Trace series is a series of crime fiction novels by American novelist Warren Murphy. The main character of the series is Devlin Tracy, who is an insurance investigator based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. The character is identical to both Julian “Digger” Burroughs in Murphy’s Digger book series and Daedulus Patrick Murphy from the […]
The Destroyer is a series of adventure novels created by Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir. The series follows a Jersey cop named Remo Williams who was framed for a crime he didn’t commit and given the death sentence. The govenrment fakes his death in order to train him to become an assassin for a secret […]
Warren Murphy is an American novelist of adventure, spy fiction and crime fiction novels. He is the co-creator of the Destroyer series, author of several other book series (such as Trace and Digger) and a screenwriter with credits like Lethal Weapon II and The Eiger Sanction to his name. Murphy is a veteran of the […]