Gooney Bird is the protagonist in a series of children’s books by American author Lois Lowry. Gooney Bird Greene is a new student to the second grade class of Mrs. Pidgeon. She joins the class in October, and by the time Thanksgiving comes around, she and her wacky ways have won her way to the […]


The Giver Quartet is a series of science fiction/dystopian fiction children’s novels by American novelist Lois Lowry. The series is set in a society which seems to be a utopian society, but turns out to be a dystopian society that lacks individuality and emotional depth.


Anastasia Krupnik is the protagonist in a series of children’s novels by American author Lois Lowry. Anastasia is a 10 year-old girl who is simply trying to grow up and dealing with all sorts of issues that go along with growing up. There is also a spin-off series which features her little brother, Sam Krupnik. […]


Lois Lowry is an American author of children’s books, many of which are children’s fantasy novels. She is most famous for her novel The Giver (which spawned the Giver Quartet) and the novel Number the Stars – both of which have won the Newbery Medal. Some of Lois’ other series include the Anastasia Krupnik series […]