E.C. Land is an author of romantic suspense and dark romance novels. She writes the De Luca Crime Family, Devil’s Riot MC, Inferno’s Clutch MC, Satan’s Keepers MC, and many other series. E.C. Land’s roots are firmly embedded in the rural landscape where she spent her formative years. Whether engaged in ball games under the open sky or exploring the woods, she also found solace with her nose buried in the pages of a book. Today, she channels her passion into crafting romantic suspense tales, with a focus on the intriguing world of MC romance. Looking ahead, she envisions expanding her literary repertoire to embrace various forms of romantic suspense. Outside the realm of writing, E.C. Land dedicates time to her husband, three children, and beloved fur companions.

E.C. Land made her debut as a novelist in 2019 with Horse’s Bride, beginning her Devil’s Riot MC series. Below is a list of E.C. Land’s books in order of when they were originally published:

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Publication Order of Aligned Hearts Books

Publication Order of Dark Lullabies Books

A Demon's Bliss (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
A Demon's Harmony (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
A Demon's Soul (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
A Demon's Song (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of De Luca Crime Family Books

Frozen Kiss (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Frozen Valentine (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Heated Caress (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Simmering Embrace (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Fiery Affection (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Inflamed Touch (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Searing Passion (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Deathstalkers MC Books

Kinetic (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Falcon (By: A.M. Myers,Elizabeth Knox) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Horseman (By: Elizabeth Knox) (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of DeLancy Crime Family Books

(with Elizabeth Knox)

Publication Order of Devil's Riot MC Books

Horse's Bride (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Thorn's Revenge (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cleo's Rage (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Kenny's Beginning (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Hades Pain (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
K-9's Fight (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Devil's Valentine (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Badger's Claim (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Connors' Devils (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Red’s Calm (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Burner's Absolution (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Twister Survival (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Brass's Surrender (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Kenny's Beginning is a prequel.

Publication Order of Devil's Riot MC: Mississippi Books

Fighting Rosemary (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Devil's Riot MC: Originals Books

Stoney's Property (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Owning Victoria (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Blaze's Mark (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Taming Coyote (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Luna's Shadow (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Choosing Nerd (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Ranger's Fury (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Neo's Strength (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cane's Dominance (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Venom's Prize (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Viper's Touch (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Protecting Blaze's Mark (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Carrying Blaze's Mark (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Whip's Breath (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Alluring Allies (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Stoney's Gift (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cyprus' Truth (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Chronological Order of Devil's Riot MC: Originals Books

Stoney's Property(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Owning Victoria(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Blaze's Mark(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Taming Coyote(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Luna's Shadow(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Choosing Nerd(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Ranger's Fury(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Carrying Blaze's Mark(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Neo's Strength(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cane's Dominance(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Venom's Prize(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Protecting Blaze's Mark(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Viper's Touch(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Whip's Breath(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Alluring Allies(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Stoney's Gift(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cyprus' Truth(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Devil's Riot MC: Southeast Books

Hammer's Pride (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Malice's Soul (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Axe's Devotion (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Rebelling Rogue (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Remaining Gunner’s (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Savage's Honor (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Bruiser's Reckoning (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Devil's Riot MC: Tennessee Books

Publication Order of Inferno's Clutch MC Books

Chains' Trust (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Breaker's Fuse (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Ryder's Rush (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Axel's Promise (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Fated for Pitch Black (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Tiny's Hope (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Fuse's Hold (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Nora's Outrage (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Tyres' Wraith (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Brielle's Nightmare (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Pipe's Burn (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Faith's Tears (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Lyrica's Lasting (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Brake's Intent (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Speed's Ride (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Lynch's Match (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Iron Vex MC Books

Enraged (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Bossed Up (By: Elizabeth Knox) (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Vex's Temptation (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Venom's Secret (By: Elizabeth Knox) (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Finley's Adoration (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Omen's Sign (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Nikki's Nemesis (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Devi's Demon (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Haunting Hoodrat (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Muffler's Mayhem (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Reno's Rebel (With: Elizabeth Knox) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Flaming Iris (By: Elizabeth Knox) (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Faith's Fortune (By: Elizabeth Knox) (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Abyss' Armor (By: Elizabeth Knox) (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Mug's Embrace (By: Elizabeth Knox) (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Night's Bliss Books

Cedric's Ecstasy (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Arwen's Rapture (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Christmas Delight (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Pins and Needles: Moscow Books

(with Elizabeth Knox)

Blood & Agony (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Blood & Torment (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Blood & Betrayal (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Blood & Misery (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Raiders of Valhalla MC Books

(with Elizabeth Knox)

Publication Order of Royal Bastards MC Elizabeth City Books

Spiral into Chaos (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cyclone of Chaos (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Satan's Keepers MC Books

Keeping Reaper (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Forever Tombstone (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Hellhound's Sacrifice (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Mercy's Angel (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Facing Daemon (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Scythe's Grasp (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Holding Beast (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Sons of Norhill Tops Books

Inheriting Trouble (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Dancing Struggles (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Burning Tears (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Spiked Raiders MC Books

Corbin's Conflict (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Tucker's Strike (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Stonewall Dynasty Books

(with Elizabeth Knox)

Dex's Devotion (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Ember's Salvation (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Toxic Warriors MC Books

Publication Order of Underground Bruisers Books

(with Rae B. Lake)

Facing Kai (By: Rae B. Lake) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Caging Dyer (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Finding Reese (With: Rae B. Lake) (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Breaking Phoenix (With: Rae B. Lake) (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Their Salvation (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of The Sinful 8 Books

Living in Sin (By: Elizabeth Knox) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Isle of Sin (By: S. Firecox) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Desired Sin (By: Claire Shaw) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Sins Of The Flesh (By: Erin Trejo) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Sin For Me (By: Rae B. Lake) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Breathing in Sin (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Wicked Sin (By: Dani René) (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Anthologies

If You Like E.C. Land Books, You’ll Love…

E.C. Land Reviews: I finished A Demon’s Bliss by E.C. Land from the Dark Lullabies series. I adored the characters Bethany and Chaz in this story. Bethany, who has endured abuse and feels worthless, seeks solace in her life and love for music. Her primary desire is a fresh start away from the malevolence that has scarred her. Chaz, still grappling with grief while raising his daughter Melody, initially appears broody and distant, never anticipating he could feel anything for another woman. However, Bethany’s entrance into his life changes everything.

Chaz is initially displeased with Bethany’s hiring, especially as she reignites emotions within him. Bethany becomes a constant presence in his thoughts, and when her troubled past resurfaces, Chaz is determined to protect her while navigating his evolving feelings for her. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and eagerly await more. The characters, particularly the male figures, resonated with me, leaving me yearning for additional stories. -Steph

Frozen Kiss is the first book in the De Luca Crime Family series by E.C. Land. Theo, reputed for his cold and impassive demeanor, experiences a transformation, thawing his heart, when Blake, also known as Snowflake, comes into his life. Despite the formidable influence of the DeLuca crime family, Blake and Theo’s sister, Mia, find themselves in peril.

This gripping narrative held my attention from start to finish, and I found myself engrossed in the suspenseful plot. The well-developed lead and supporting characters added depth to the story. The seamless blend of suspense and romance made it a compelling one-sitting read for me. Witnessing Theo and Blake achieve their happily-ever-after was immensely satisfying, and the journey they undertook to get there was a highlight of the story. -D.

Stoney’s Property was a thoroughly enjoyable read for me. The character development of Rachel and Stoney is especially gratifying by the end. Rachel, who has been treated as a pawn and object for most of her life, finds herself entangled with Stoney, a scorned, rugged individual with a deep aversion to women. Rachel’s determination clashes with Stoney’s domineering nature and Prez’s accustomed authority, creating a dynamic filled with tension and passion.

Rachel, weary of being treated as a pawn, refuses to accept her submissive status, especially when Stoney’s mouth proves to be more than just for talking… The chemistry between them is explosive! Amid Rachel’s well-intentioned but misguided decisions and Stoney’s knack for finding trouble (including a situation that had me clamoring for drastic measures), the story is filled with action, torture, sizzling steam, and, of course, love. I found myself cheering for their happily-ever-after, and the journey was indeed worth the read. I’m eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series. -Char

I thoroughly enjoyed Hammer’s Pride, my first from this author. Although it’s clearly connected to other books or series by her, I found it easy to follow and read as a stand-alone. The story moves swiftly, skipping over friendships and relationships without delving too deeply into the nuances of each character outside of the immediate main characters, which I appreciate.

The book features some steamy scenes that added to the overall enjoyment. I’m definitely planning to continue reading more from this author. -M.M.

Order of Books » Authors » Order of E.C. Land Books

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