Order of Michael E. Bemis Books
Michael E. Bemis is an American author of fiction and non-fiction books. In addition to his work as a writer, Bemis is also a well-known law enforcement officer in his community of York County, Maine.
As a fiction author, he is best known for writing his books, Snow Waste and Chance. Bemis grew up dreaming of joining the world of law enforcement and even studied it in college. He would get his dream job after college when he was hired as a corporal. He would work his way up the ranks, eventually becoming a Lieutenant before running for Sheriff and winning.
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Publication Order of Standalone Novels
Snow Waste | (2003) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Caleb | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
Safe From Terrorism: How To Protect And Save Yourself And Your Family At Home, Work And Play | (2002) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Safe & Sound: How to Buy a Safe, Private, Quiet Home | (2003) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Soft Targets and Crowded Places | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Dogs: A Tragic and True Saga of Hoarding and Colossal Government Failure Exacerbated by a Complete Collapse of Governmental Oversight in Downeast Maine | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Hijacking of Alaska’s Magic Bus: Desecration of a Memorial | (2022) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
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Snow Waste was Bemis’ first novel. The book focuses on three men involved with a ski hill and a snow making business. Joe Littlefield is the man in charge of making snow at the ski resort. He is an honest man, but perhaps a little bit naive. He has big dreams of getting a promotion, but can often be too honest for his own good. There is also the ski resort’s owner Warren Ainsworth who has a drinking problem, but hopes to develop a peak that would put his establishment on the map. Finally, there is Doug, one of the new employees and an environmental activist. The book deals with themes of greed, ethical values, and personal motivation in this small town and what they allow for the mountain to survive.
Bemis is also the author of Caleb. This book sees a young boy put into state custody before he was a day old as he was abandoned by his mother at birth. The boy is ineligible for adoption because the officials didn’t want to terminate parental rights so he bounced through the foster care system. He excels as a child until the bullying begins and he is pushed into a life he would’ve never known as the system turns a blind eye.