Randy Wayne White is an American author who not only writes crime fiction novels featuring retired NSA agent Doc Ford, but also non-fiction adventure books. His first three Doc Ford novels were published under St. Martin’s Press. After the third book, he took his talents to G.P. Putnam’s Sons for a better deal and has been there ever since.

White started his career as a novelist under the pseudonym of Randy Striker. His first novel was called Key West Connection and was published back in 1981. Below is a list of Randy Wayne White’s published works of fiction in order of when they were originally released (also in chronological order):

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Publication Order of Doc Ford Books

Publication Order of Dusky MacMorgan Books

(as Randy Striker)

Key West Connection (As: Randy Striker)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Deep Six (As: Randy Striker)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cuban Death-Lift (As: Randy Striker)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Deadlier Sex (As: Randy Striker)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Assassin's Shadow (As: Randy Striker)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Everglades Assault (As: Randy Striker)(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Grand Cayman Slam (As: Randy Striker)(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Hannah Smith Books

Publication Order of Hawker Books

(as Carl Ramm)

Publication Order of Sharks Incorporated Books

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Batfishing in the Rainforest(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Sharks of Lake Nicaragua(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Last Flight Out(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
An American Traveler(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
A Fishing Guide's Guide to Tropical Cooking(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Randy Wayne White's Gulf Coast Cookbook(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Randy Wayne White's Ultimate Tarpon Book(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Doc Ford Country(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Notes: Key West Connection, The Deep Six, Cuban Dead-Lift, The Deadlier Sex, Assassin’s Shadow, Everglades Assault and Grand Cayman Slam were published under the pen name of Randy Striker.

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5 Responses to “Order of Randy Wayne White Books”

  1. RAHOY09: 7 years ago

    Hi and thank you for the response. I did copy and paste to Word.

    I just don’t like to use ink on images, but it copied great: just the lists and the best prices, although I would have liked the lists alone.

    Thank you so much!



  2. RAHOY09: 7 years ago

    Hi There!

    This is not about R W W, although I was looking for a chronological order of his books.

    Just a question: why don’t you have a printable version of this?

    Thank you.


    • Graeme: 7 years ago

      Right now you can just copy/paste the list to MS Word or a text editor and do some editing.

      To offer up printable lists requires a completely new database and would take a lot of time. We’re working on it though 🙂 We actually have a development site using the new engine and good news – Randy is listed there.


      At the bottom left of the complete list of books is the print icon.


  3. keith szyperski: 11 years ago

    You left out several books – Non-Fiction


    • Brandon: 11 years ago

      Probably because we haven’t always included non-fiction on this site. There are some new novels too, so thank you for bringing this to our attention.


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