Baxter Family Saga by Palessa
The Baxter Family Saga is a series of romance/family saga novels by Palessa. The series follows the love lives of various generations of Baxter. The Baxter family is a wealthy family that owns a large corporation known as Baxter Chemicals. The series contains explicit scenes and features BWWM (black woman/white man) interracial romance in the novel Unchained Hearts. The series is not to be confused with Karen Kingsbury‘s Baxter Family Saga.

Palessa began her Baxter Family Saga series with the novel Unchained Hearts, published in 2013. The series is currently ongoing. The chronological order is the same as the publication order, although the novels flashback to different generations. Below is a list of Palessa’s Baxter Family Saga books in order of when they were first published:

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Publication Order of Baxter Family Saga Books

Baxter Family Saga Synopsis: In Portrait of Gray by Palessa (book 2 of the Baxter Family Saga), Grayson Baxter is the prodigal son of the Baxter family and the first born child of Julian and Joan Baxter. He’s also had a bad drug habit since his teenage years. As his brother Cass’ career is going well and he is slated to take over Baxter Chemicals, Grayson’s drug use only gets worse. When he tries to get away from the rest of his family, tragedy strikes. After that tragedy and a stint in rehab, Grayson is able to get his life back together. He realizes he wants to become a therapist and soon falls in love with Bindi Gail. While trying to start their life together, it is a single decision that gets between them.

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