Mastered by Lorelei James
The Mastered series is a series of contemporary erotic romance novels by American novelist Lorelei James. In this series, a small-time girl named Amery Hardwick is now living in Denver, Colorado and working as a graphic designer. After she joins a self-defense class, she meets Ronin Black, who takes a special interest in her and decides to train her himself.

Lorelei James began her Mastered series in 2014 with the novel Bound. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Lorelei James’ Mastered books in order of when they were first released (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Mastered Synopsis: In Bound by Lorelei James, Amery Hardwick is a Denver-based graphic designer. Her main goals in life involve building her business, not a relationship. When a friend of hers joins a self-defense class after an attack, Amery thinks she should join too in order to help support her friend. The owner of the dojo is Ronin Black, who immediately is interested in Amery and even takes over her training – both in and out of the dojo. Amery can’t get enough of this pleasure, or of Ronin, but she senses he’s being secretive.

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