Saga of the de Magela Family by Abigail Keam
The Saga of the de Magela Family series is a series of epic fantasy novels by American author Abigail Keam. The series follows Princess Maura as she struggles to save her people while coming to grips with falling in love with her arch enemy Prince Dorak.

Abigail Keam began her Saga of the de Magela Family in 2013 with the novel Wall of Doom. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Abigail Keam’s Saga of the de Magela Family books in order of when they were first published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Saga of the de Magela Family Books

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Saga of the de Magela Family Synopsis: Wall of Doom by Abigail Keam is book 1 of the series. From the distant east nomadic tribesmen known as the Bhuttanians have unified under the leadership of Zoar, a powerful chieftain who is bent on building a vast empire. Queen Abisola has little time to transform her peaceful, agrarian country into a fighting military unit able to take on Zoar’s experienced warriors. Queen Abisola must sacrifice her daughter to the Dinii, a bird-like people who will adopt and train Princess Maura as a warrior who will lead her people against Zoar. For years, both the Dinii and Maura’s people train to withstand Zoar’s inevitable onslaught, but they never anticipated fighting the powerful black magic of Zoar’s evil Wizard. Will Princess Maura lose the love of her life as she struggles to save her people? Will her country be able to survive where other countries have crumbled before the tyranny of Zoar? Or will the Dinii betray her county to the warlord Zoar?

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