Tony Valentine is the protagonist in a series of crime fiction novels by American author James Swain. Valentine is an ex-cop originally from New Jersey who used to patrol the Atlantic City casinos. After retirement, he headed south to Florida, but is lured into Las Vegas, where he can put his skills to use against casino cheats. The series was optioned for film in 2009 by Langley Films.

James Swain debut his Tony Valentine character in the novel Grift Sense, which was published in 2001. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of James Swain’s Tony Valentine books in order of when they were first published:

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One Response to “Order of Tony Valentine Books”

  1. joe jetson: 9 years ago

    Just finished “Sucker Bet”. Highly entertaining and well written. After finishing it, I ordered a set of six more from an Ebay Listing. Looking forward to reading the entire series. Very reminiscent of Elmore Leonard.


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