Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi
Under the Never Sky is a trilogy of YA dystopian/romance novels by Brazilian author Veronica Rossi. The series follows a teenage girl named Aria who has always lived in an isolated city called Reverie and a boy from the Outside named Perry. Aria is referred to as a “Dweller,” while Perry is a “Savage.” It is believed that Aria wouldn’t last long on the Outside, called The Death Shop, and thus she needs Perry’s protection. The film rights to the series were purchased by Warner Brother Studios.

Veronica Rossi began her Under the Never Sky series in January 2012 with the title novel of the series. She then published a prequel novella to the series, entitled Roar and Liv. The trilogy concluded in 2014 novel Into the Still Blue. Below is a list of Veronica Rossi’s Under the Never Sky books in order of when they were originally released (as well as in chronological order):

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Publication Order of Under the Never Sky Books

Roar and Liv(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Under the Never Sky(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Through the Ever Night(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Brooke(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Into the Still Blue(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Roar of the Tides(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Chronological Order of Under the Never Sky Books

Roar and Liv(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Under the Never Sky(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Brooke(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Through the Ever Night(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Into the Still Blue(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Roar of the Tides(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

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Under The Never Sky Synopsis: In Into the Still Blue by Veronica Rossi (the third novel and conclusion to the series), after both their love and their leadership have been put to their test, Perry and Aria must unite the Dwellers and Outsiders in hopes of achieving balance in the world.

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