Vik & Stubo is a series of crime fiction novels by Norwegian author Anne Holt. Johanne Vik is an Oslo University psychology professor and formerly an FBI profiler. Adam Stubo is a detective inspector who puts out a call for Vik to help out on a tough case.


Hanne Wilhelmsen is the central character in a series of crime fiction novels by Norwegian novelist Anne Holt. Hanne is a police detective based in Oslo, and is portrayed is a very realistic manner (in contrast to Lisbeth Salander). The character is a lesbian, but that aspect of her character does not define her and […]


Anne Holt is a Norwegian author of crime fiction, thrillers and mysteries. She is the creator of the Hanne Wilhelmsen and Vik/Stubo series. Before becoming a novelist, she was a lawyer, journalist, anchor woman and politician. Anne lives in Oslo with her partner Tine and their daughter.