The Man-Kzin Wars is a series of military science fiction anthologies and novels created by American author Larry Niven. The series is set in the same universe as Niven’s Known Space series. The stories are about the war between humans and the race known as the Kzinti. Although Niven created the series, he only wrote […]
Halo is a series of military science fiction tie-in novels written by various authors, based on the popular video game series created by Bungie. The series is about a war between humans and an alien race known as the Covenant. The main character of the series is Master Chief, a Spartan. Along with him is […]
The Quantum Logic series is a series of hard science fiction novels by American author Greg Bear. The series is a merger of two smaller series – Queen of Angels and Quantico. The series address issues such as crime, guilt and punishment in society.
Greg Bear is an American author of hard science fiction, addressing such themes as galactic conflict, artificial universes, consciousness and accelerated evolution. He has also written in the thriller and fantasy genres. Greg has acted as a consultant for NASA, the U.S. Army, the State Department, the International Food Protection Association and Homeland Security for […]