Nova is a series of new adult contemporary romance novels by American author Jessica Sorensen. The series explores the relationship between the once-hopeful drummer Nova Reed and tatted-up bad boy Quinton Carter. It is a story of love, healing and impossible choices.


The Secret series is a series of new adult contemporary romance novels by American novelist Jessica Sorensen. The series began as the Ella and Micha series, but soon grew to include more characters.


The Fallen Star series is a series of fantasy novels by American novelist Jessica Sorensen. The series is closely linked to its spinoff series, Fallen Souls, and a new adult re-telling of the series, Shattered Promises.


Jessica Sorensen is an American author of new adult contemporary romance novels and fantasy novels. She writes several series, including the Fallen Star, The Secret, Coincidence, Nova and other series. Jessica is both a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She enjoys writing and reading (of course) and some of her favourite bands […]