The Manor of Murder Mysteries series (also known as the Manor House Mysteries series) is a series of cozy mystery novels by American author Julie Hyzy. The series follows Grace Wheaton, who works as the curator of the Marshfield Manor. The series is not to be confused with the Manor House Mysteries series by Kate […]
Julie Hyzy is an American author of cozy mystery novels. Her series include the Alex St. James series, the White House Chef Mysteries (ft. Ollie Paras) and the Manor House Mysteries (ft. Grace Wheaton). Before becoming a novelist, Julie studied business and worked in the field until she found her true calling. She has won […]
The Manor House Mysteries is a series of historical/cozy mysteries by English author Kate Kingsbury. The series follows Lady Elizabeth Hartleigh Compton, lady of the Manor House, in Sitting Marsh, UK and takes place during the Second World War.