The Black Stiletto is a series of thriller novels by American novelist Raymond Benson. The series is about Judy Cooper (Talbot). In the 1950s, she is a young vigilante who roams the streets of New York City and Los Angeles. In present day, she is an elderly woman suffering from Alzheimer’s. Her son, Martin, discovers […]
Splinter Cell is a series of military action-adventure novels created by American author Tom Clancy. Most of the novels were written under the pen name of David Michaels by various authors. The series is based on the video game series of the same name. The protagonist of the series is Sam Fisher, a Splinter Cell, […]
American author Raymond Benson was a controversial choice when he was chosen by Glidrose Publications to take over as the official author of the James Bond series – a title he held from 1997 until 2003 – due to the fact that he was American rather than British. In that time, Benson wrote 12 James […]
James Bond is, quite simply, a cultural icon. The James Bond character was created by English author Ian Fleming in 1953. Since then, he has appeared in numerous novels and over 20 films. Currently he is being portrayed by English actor Daniel Craig, but he has also been portrayed by Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger […]